FREE AAPI Self Defense/Personal Safety Livestream Seminar – Sat May 15th!

FREE AAPI Self Defense/Personal Safety Seminar Saturday, May 15th at 10:30AM via ZOOM

OPEN to EVERYONE, ages 10 and up. We are inspired to help our AAPI family and those who wish to stand up with our community.  

The upswing in brazen and violent attacks against our American Asian and Pacific Islander friends has broken the hearts of the staff at IMPACT! Kickboxing Fitness. Broken hearts, but not broken wills. We stand alongside those affected not only in spirit, but in action.

This educational seminar are focused on improving your ability to protect yourself against potential harassment or violence. The format will be a discussion and instructor demonstration with a time for questions & answers.  Our approach is that this one hour seminar is not sufficient to train and then potentially apply self defense techniques adequately.  That would require on-going training which we offer, but these seminars will detail practical ways to be safe that do not require physical ability.

Sign up

Participants will be added to the seminar for the date selected in our reservation system via WellnessLiving. Follow the sign up instructions and be sure to sign the online waiver for this seminar.  Note: We will not use your personal information other than to send confirmation of the event, along with directions to the studio and any pertinent information related to the seminar.

If there are any questions, email us at